Wednesday, October 30, 2013


As a reminder of the never ending calendar's movement forwards, Elizabeth has decorated the English Department door with pumpkins, ghosts and spiders....
Does it mean Halloween is already here one more time?


Yes, sure it does! And our assistant has also had a Halloween session with the younger students, where she has taught them how to carve a pumpkin and make a Jack-o-lantern, as well as some basic vocabulary and  rhymes related to this popular festival.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Elizabeth Kur, English Language Assistant at I.E.S. Fidiana -for a second time this year- and Luis Soldevilla, C.L.I.L. Programme Coordinator in our school, took part in a meeting with this year's new assistants  for  schools in Córdoba and sorrounding towns.

The sesión, intended to welcome and give some orientations to the newly arrived foreign assistants, took place last Thursday 3rd October and consisted of several lectures on topics ranging from practical daily life matters to guidelines on the assistants' work in C.L.I.L. school.

Luis told the audience different aspects of what working along with English assistants in I.E.S. Fidiana, has been like in the last few years, and Elizabeth reported her experience last year and gave her new colleagues some tips for a nice stay in Córdoba and in their host schools.


Our language assistant Layla has just arrived from London. She will be with us one more year. We are very glad to see her in Córdoba again.