I.E.S. Fidiana's C.L.I.L. Programme started out in 2006, when the school managers and departments decided to present the school's candidacy to take part in the "Bilingual Programmme" developed by the Junta de Andalucia.
After being selected, the teachers involved in the programme had a first year of training and then, in 2007-2008, the first promotion of C.L.I.L. students came to I.E.S. Fidiana to begin their 1st. year of Secondary Education in the school's Bilingual Section.
Other promotions have followed over the last few years, and those first C.L.I.L. pupils eventually left I.E.S. Fidiana at the end of school year 2012-13, after completing their pre-university studies in a bilingual environment.
This has only been possible thanks to the teachers' dedication and the students' enthusiasm, both of which we hope will keep I.E.S. Fidiana's C.L.I.L. challenge growing on in the nearer future.