Four 2º de Bachillerato students have taken part this morning in the European contest "Juvenes Translatores", representing I.E.S. Fidiana.
Alicia Reverte, Elena Núñez, Luis Romero and Javier Cazalla are all brilliant students who have followed through the C.L.I.L. Programme in our school, all of them members of the first promotion of "bilingual" pupils who started out six years ago.
"Juvenes Translatores" is an annual constest set up by the European Union in order to award young translators across the continent. Luis, Alicia, Elena and Javier had two hours (from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.) to translate an English text (provided by the organisers a few minutes before the starting time) into Spanish with the only help of a printed dictionary. Such test took place simultaneously in more than 300 schools throughout Europe. A winner form each member state will have the chance to travel to Brussels to receive the award.
Good job, and good luck!!!
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