Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Next Tuesday, 9th April, I.E.S. Fidiana is going to celebrate its 3rd C.L.I.L. Day. The event, developed by the school teachers involved in the CLIL Programme, will be participated by students from all levels at the school. This year the Day's topic is The Europe of Values, and is an attempt to pay a tribute to 2012 Nobel Preace Prize winning European Union, highlighting various values and contributions of Europe to the world. Throughout the day's activities, extending from 10.30 up to 15.00 hours, the students are going to visit an exhibition of materials their school mates have created over the previous weeks and months, matching different aspects of the European Union with their C.L.I.L. subjects; in addition to this, they are also going to attend the play "Living a Celebration", performed by Bachillerato 1 students with music partially played by the pupils themselves; and, finally, they are going to take part in the quiz show Eurocontest, with questions prepared by the C.L.I.L. teachers.
All this will happen with the aim of promoting participation and collaboration between C.L.I.L. and non-C.L.I.L. students from different school levels, as well as showing the educational community, whose members are all invited to pop into the school and take part in this C.L.I.L. Day, the work being developed as part of this school Programme.

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Our language assistant Layla has just arrived from London. She will be with us one more year. We are very glad to see her in Córdoba again.